I know that most of you will not understand the importance of October 7th 1999. It was a huge deal in our lives. It was the day John took command of Echo Battery 6/52 ADA. When we got to Germany in June we were told it would be at least a year before command would happen. Instead, we were a mere 4 months later, being told to start his equiment iventories which were worth millions of dollars. We were shocked to say the least. We felt unprepared but LTC & Mrs Lambert assured us we were indeed ready. They were the best leadership and mentorship we could have asked for at the time, only we didn't realize it.

While John was busy with inventories I was busy getting a reception planned. John had step by step instructions on what to do so he was good to go. I had planned lots of parties and get togethers but I still felt a little lost. Lucky for me the other wives stepped in and the community was use to helping host these. Food had to be ordered and invitations had to be sent out. To say nothing of the dignitaries that would be there and the seating charts that had to be made. To add more to the mix my folks were flying over so they could share in it, and Lady would finally be with us.
We always loved the promp and circumstance that fills a military ceremony, but this one was extra special. It was a such a huge step up in John's career. I had always been involved in the family side of the military, but it would be my first time running a Family Support Group the way I wanted. Before we knew it the day was upon us. Lots of running around making sure every thing was where it was suppose to be. John had worked hard on his speech and he really wanted to make sure it was ready. He has always been a very good speaker, even asked to guest speak at colleges about his many experiences with the military.

Finally it was time and we all filed into the tent to watch the ceremony. Even Rob attended the ceremony. He was almost 4 but he had been going to ceremonies like these since he was just a few months old. He knew what was expected and he never disappointed us. They always present the outgoing wife and incoming wife with flowers, but they had even thought ahead and presented my mom with some. The outgoing commander's speech was not as long as I thought it would be, and as incoming commander John's speech was wonderfully short. Then it was off to make sure everything was set up for the reception. We wanted to make sure it went off without a hitch. Luckily I had lots of helpers. Now it was time to jump in with both feet, whether we were ready or not. 
Our flights to Germany were overnight flights. St. Louis, MO to Chicago, IL to Frankfurt, Germany. The pilot has the final say as to what and who gets on his plane. As we were waiting in line to board the plane the pilot called us over to talk to him. In his opinion it was going to be too hot in Chicago for Lady to wait for our flight to Germany. He refused to put Lady on his plane. We were stunned. Totally speechless. We tried explaining that this wasn't just a vacation flight for us, we were moving there for 3 years. My parents had already left the airport. We didn't know what to do. He said we could try the next day and hope it would be cooler but John had a report date in Germany that we couldn't be late for.
The pilot said he would hold the flight for 15 minutes so we could decide what to do...thanks. We knew that my folks were going to visit my sister after they dropped us off since she lives close to the airport. So our first call was to her trying to track them down. While I was talking to her my folks got there. I was so stressed out by then that all I could do was to cry so John took over and made the arrangements. A very nice supervisor from United would take Lady to her office until my parents could get back. Our 15 minutes were up and we had to get on the plane. We boarded the plane, took our seats and I cried the entire flight to Chicago.
By the time we made it to Chicago I was a complete mess. I felt like I was being torn apart. At that point I didn't want to get on the plane for Germany. Lucky for us my brother lives in Chicago. He was waiting for us at the gate. (This was before 9/11 when you could still do that.) My mom had gotten a hold of him at the airport and filled him in on what was going on. He was able to tell me that my parents had picked up Lady and she was safe and sound. That made it some what better but it was hard to processes everything before our flight overseas. We were cutting our connection close because the pilot had held the flight for us. So my brother knew right where to go and he rushed us through the airport.
More hugs, kisses and goodbyes and we were on the plane crossing the pond. Rob fell right to sleep and slept the whole flight over there. Our sponsors were waiting for us at Frankfurt and all our luggage made it there OK. Now we just had a 3 hour ride to the base, get checked in and figure out where to go from there. We didn't have our van yet or our household goods or our dog but we had each other and we were finally in Germany.
June 1999
Once John was done at Fort Leavenworth it was time to head over the pond to Germany. We were so excited. When John joined the Army there were 2 places we wanted to go, Hawaii and Germany. We had been to Hawaii twice and now we were getting to check Germany off our list. There was so much to do before heading over. Our household goods had been shipped from Alabama so they were waiting for us in Germany. When John started at Fort Leavenworth we shipped our van and got by on just our Saturn. Rob and I already had our civilian passports since Korea but because Germany was an accompanied tour the government issued us a second passport for official travel and it contained a SOFA stamp (Status of Forces Agreement).
We had about a week in St. Louis to say goodbye to friends and family. You would think since we had moved around so much that this one would be easy but it wasn't. There wasn't anyway to just jump in the car and drive home or find a cheap flight and hop on a plane. Our friends and John's fraternity brothers gave us a good bye party which turned out to be more of a drunk fest. They claimed to be getting us ready for life in Germany...yeah right. Then our families held one to say good bye also. They both were wonderful and awful at the same time.
The day was finally upon us. All our bags were packed, documents in order and we had a ride to the airport. John and I had plenty of books to read on the flight, Rob had new toys and books to keep him busy and we had a big sedative for Lady. Everything was going smoothly. That should have been our first tip off. We gave Lady her pill, checked our bags, got through security. We watched out the windows at our gate as they rolled Lady out in her kennel. The pilot came over and checked on her and then started walking up the steps. We were standing in line to hand over our boarding passes when we heard our names being called over the intercom. We had no idea what was about to happen.