Christmas Eve day was spent in the hospital er. It was a madhouse. We sat for hours waiting to be seen, then the doctor spent 3 minutes with us and ordered a bunch of tests. We weren't able to get his temperature down even with medicine. We did find out that he had double ear infections but there was something else going on. In the end they sent us home with Tylenol and antibiotics.
Christmas Eve night went on forever...and not in a good way. We had Rob in the bath tub trying to bring down his fever. While he was there I tried to get him to eat something so the medicine wouldn't upset his stomach too much. Finally around 1am we got him semi-comfortable and he slept. We all were so worried about him that we took shifts sitting in his room with him. He got up at 9am still feeling icky but we tried for a good Christmas morning. A nice breakfast was made and gifts were opened. Looking back we shouldn't have tried.
All morning his temperature climbed. Around noon I couldn't take it anymore, so off to the ER we went. This time we saw a different doctor. He looked at Rob's records and he looked at Rob and he didn't like what he saw. He ordered one more test and when the results came back we finally had an answer. Rob had double ear infections and the Rota virus.
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