Lady picked one side of the bed and promptly fell asleep. We put Rob into his pack and play on the opposite side of the bed and with little fuss he fell asleep too. John and I weren't so lucky. The bed was lumpy and had a big dip in the middle. We laid there talking for quite a while about what we were going to do in the morning. Things weren't going as we had planned but Joe had been so kind we didn't want to hurt his feelings either. We eventually fell asleep with no plan of action.
Then "IT" happened. It was around 2am, John and I had finally drifted off to sleep when we heard this horrible noise. It sounded like a wounded animal crying right outside our door. The noise got louder as more animals joined in and it started sounding like howling. That was all Lady needed and like a shot she was up in bed between us cowering and whimpering. Soon our bed became a vibrating bed and of course Rob started waking up then too. I pulled Rob into bed with the rest of us, got him calmed down and we all drifted back to sleep around 4am.
At 7am there is knock on the door telling us to rise and shine, breakfast would be ready in 30 minutes. John and I looked at each other like "is he crazy"?! But he wasn't and Lady had to go outside badly! So John took Lady and a big stick out while I got Rob dressed. We all met up in the kitchen and breakfast was just as yummy as dinner was the night before. John and I were finishing up eating and trying to figure out what to do. Joe turns around and asks if we are ready for a tour of the ranch before we decided what activity to do first, so we said yes.
And still more to come...
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